Women's Disciples
March 11
11:30 am
March 13
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
March 9
March 11
Tuesday: Feb. 11th, 2024,Howley’s
Meet up with other women for food and fellowship.
About Women’s Lunch: Give yourself a break in the middle of the week to relax
and enjoy a meal with other women. Feel welcome to bring a guest. Please contact
Claudia Schwenk (561-634-5071) so we can get a headcount for reservations and
to make sure you are on the text reminder list.
March 13
Sojourner Sisters Monthly
Sisters Monthly Women’s Bible Study Group meeting-
Be sure and join us on January 14 th at 2:00pm when we
begin a two month study on Esther in the Bible Study and work on planning for
Taste of the World in February. Please contact Claudia Schwenk (561-634-5071)
for more information.