March is here! This month we will have the first day of spring. Just as caterpillars will be transitioning into butterflies, our congregation is transitioning. We have gone from having a very hands-on minister (how did Donn do so much!?!), to the period we are in now, of our hard-working and amazing search committee working on finding our new minister while we, the congregation, are taking over the many tasks to keep the place running! There are a multitude of opportunities for each of us to use our gifts and talents to serve and help out. We can use this time to dig deep and find what we can offer. This transition period gives us a chance to become closer as a church family as we work together.
With the spring, for me, comes gratitude for life, for sunshine, for new beginnings. And may it be so for our church. Gratitude for where we have been, where we are now and where we are going. Gratitude for this time of working together and maybe discovering new talents to share and new relationships in the process. Gratitude to our Search Committee and ultimately for our new minister.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Chris Del Mastro
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